446 people found
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Heinrich Wottawa
Austrian psychologist
J. Frick
��sterreichischer Urologe
Helfried Moosbrugger
Austrian university teacher and psychologist
Helmut Seel
Austrian politician
Valentin Ladenbauer
Austrian pharmacist
Rotraud A. Perner
Austrian psychotherapist
Monika Specht-Tomann
Austrian psychologist, psychotherapist and author
Eva Maria Waibel
Austrian psychotherapist
Gernot Sonneck
Austrian physician and psychotherapist
Helmut Eisendle
Austrian author and translator
Reinhard Larcher
Austrian psychologist and psychotherapist
Klaus Küng
Austrian bishop
Norbert Bischofberger
Austrian biochemist, developed Tamiflu, Truvada and sofosbuvir
Alfried Längle
Austrian doctor and psychologist
Elisabeth Lukas
Austrian psychologist
Brigitte A. Rollett
Austrian psychologist and university teacher
Christoph Zielinski
Austrian physician and oncologist
Ed Watzke
Austrian psychotherapist
Ferdinand Waldenberger
Austrian cardiac surgeon
Heinz Katschnig
��sterreichischer Hochschullehrer und Neurologe
Karl Heinz Tragl
Austrian physician
Gundl Kutschera
Austrian psychotherapist
Herbert Tilg
Austrian internist
H. Partsch
Austrian dermatologist
Peter C. Endler
Austrian psychotherapist
Christa Sedlatschek
Austian industrial physician, Ph.D., director of European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)
Monika Salzer
Austrian psychotherapist
Hannes Stockinger
Austrian scientist and professor
Karl Schellander
��sterreichisch-deutscher Tiermediziner, Agrarwissenschaftler und emeritierter Professor für Tierzucht und Tierhaltung
Lotte Bailyn
Psicóloga social austriaca
Fátima Ferreira
Austrian biochemist
Jutta Fiegl
Austrian psychotherapist
Felix Unger
Austrian cardiac surgeon
Felix de Mendelssohn
Austrian psychoanalyst
Franz Weinzettl
Austrian psychotherapist and writer
Maria Hengstberger
��sterreichische Ärztin und Entwicklungshelferin
Thomas Graf
German biologist
Siegfried Kasper
Austrian psychiatrist
Hans-Peter Bischof
Physician and politician
Bernhard Ludwig
Austrian psychotherapist and psychologist