1,616 people found
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Hubert Josef Florl
��sterreichischer Künstler und Bildhauer
Beatrix Maria Kramlovsky
Charlotte Dürnberger
Austrian graphic designer
Rainer Köberl
Austrian architect
Reinhold Rebhandl
Austrian painter, graphic designer and university teacher
Manfred Makra
Austrian painter and graphic designer
Josef Nöbauer
Austrian artist, photographer and professor
Georg Stifter
Austrian art educator, painter and graphic designer
Stefan Stratil
Austrian film director
Sonja Gangl
Austrian visual artist
Adolf Tuma
Austrian lithographer
Ulli Lust
Austrian illustrator and publisher
Adele Sansone
Austrian author and illustrator
Amand Körner
Austrian Artisan and Joiner
Bernd Steinwendner
Austrian painter
Heimo Zobernig
Christoph Steffner
��sterreichischer Künstler
Otto Bruckner
Austrian joiner
Erwin K. Bauer
Austrian farmer
Margit Taus
Austrian illustrator
Thomas Riccabona
��sterreichischer Szenenbildner
Alexander Lintl
Heide Pirklbauer-Voitl
Austrian painter, graphic designer and writer
Wolfgang Valousek
��sterreichischer Architekt und Industriedesigner
Amir Kassaei
Austrian creative director
Verena Hochleitner
Austrian writer
Wolfgang Böhm
Austrian painter and graphic designer
Gottfried Ecker
Austrian political scientist, historian and painter
Johannes Deutsch
Austrian painter and graphic designer
Peter Skubic
Austrian painter and jewelry designer
Anton Drioli
��sterreichisch-italienischer Grafiker und Maler
Ute Lehmann
Albert Winkler
Artista plásticu austriacu
Thomas Fatzinek
��sterreichischer Illustrator
Heinrich Heuer
österreichischer Illustrator
Chryseldis Hofer-Mitterer
Affichiste uit Oostenrijk (1948-2017)
Hubert Flattinger
Austrian illustrator
Gottfried Pilz
Austrian costume designer
Hadmar von Wieser
Austrian author
Hellmut Bruch
Austrian textile artist