1,242 people found
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Ivan Tušek
Slovenski pedagog, naravoslovec, pisatelj in prevajalec
Julij Głowacki
Slovenian botanist
Fran Wiesthaler
Jurij Paušek
Catholic priest and teacher
Samu Bún
Rudolf Geisler-Moroder
Austrian sculptor
Ivan Marek
Karl Breit
Austrian teacher and writer
Bert Isatitsch
Austrian educator
Willy Kreuzer
Konstantin Gerov
Michael Petschenig
Austrian teacher and classical philologist
Karl Bartholomaeus Heller
Austrian teacher
Gabriel Weinberger
��sterreichischer Ordenspriester, Altabt des Stiftes Wilhering
Theodor Heller
Austrian teacher
Heinrich von Dollhopf
��sterreichischer Lehrer und Politiker
Anton Polaschek
��sterreichischer Gymnasiallehrer in Czernowitz und Wien
Karl Aulitzky
Austrian teacher and classical philologist
Josef Mohnl
Austrian teacher and politician
Valentin Stanič
Austrian teacher
Wilhelm Riedl
Austrian teacher and politician
Helmuth Vretska
Austrian teacher and classical philologist
Erich Kalteis
Austrian teacher and politician
Gottfried Hofmann-Wellenhof
Austrian writer and teacher
Wolfgang Weirer
Austrian teacher
Anton Becker
Franz Xaver Woschitka
Austrian composer, cellist, violinist and music teacher
Karl Wilhelm Fischer
Rudolf Ardelt
Anton von Leclair
Austrian philosopher and librarian
Rudolf Doerfel
Austrian engineer and university teacher
Hans Tschinkel
German high-school teacher and principal in Prague
Alexander Ohm-Januschowsky
Austrian teacher and writer
Ludwig Alfred Zerlik
Oswald Blassnig
Austrian teacher, school director and author
Arnold Werner-Jensen
Klaus Feldkircher
Friedrich Repp
Karel Langer
Carl Schirek
Art historian