161 people found
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Sigmund Freud
Austrian neurologist known as the founding father of psychoanalysis
Wilhelm Reich
Austro-Hungarian-born Austrian-American psychoanalyst
Leo Kanner
American physician and psychiatrist
Alfred Adler
Medical doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, personality theorist
Heinz Kohut
Austrian-American psychoanalyst and psychiatrist
Viktor Frankl
Austrian Holocaust survivor, psychiatrist, philosopher and author
Bruno Bettelheim
Child psychologist and writer
Otto F. Kernberg
Austrian psychoanalytist and psychologist
Felix Tretter
Austrian psychotherapist and psychiatrist
Wilhelm Stekel
Austrian physician and psychologist
Rudolf von Urban
Austrian american psychoanalyst
Josef Breuer
Austrian physician
Hans Asperger
Austrian pediatrician, medical theorist, and medical professor
Richard von Krafft-Ebing
Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist and nobleman
Jacob L. Moreno
Austrian-American psychiatrist
Irmfried Eberl
SS officer, first commandant of Treblinka extermination camp
Arthur Schnitzler
Austrian writer
Franz Seitelberger
Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist
Otto Fenichel
Austrian-american pychiatrist, psychoanalytist and scientist
Julius Wagner-Jauregg
Austrian doctor, Nobel prize laureate and psychiatrist
Franz Günther von Stockert
German psychiatrist
Heimo Gastager
Austrian psychiatrist
René Spitz
Austrian-American psychoanalyst
Paul Federn
Austrian-american MD & psychoanalyst
Abraham Brill
American psychiatrist & psychoanalyst
Harald Leupold-Löwenthal
Austrian neurologist and psychoanalyst
W. Wolfgang Fleischhacker
Austrian psychiatrist and academic
Michael Musalek
Austrian psychiatrist
Karl Nowotny
Austrian psychiatrist
Karl Thums
Austrian physician, psychiatrist and internist
Paul Ferdinand Schilder
Austrian neurologist and pychiatrist
Theodor Meynert
German-Austrian neuropathologist
Johann Feilacher
Austrian sculptor and psychiatrist
Gerhart Harrer
Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist
Otto Pötzl
Austrian psychiatrist
Rudolf Allers
Austrian psychiatrist and philosopher
Joseph Gottfried Riedel
Austrian psychiatrist
Walther Schmid-Sachsenstamm
Austrian psychiatrist
Franz Niedermoser
Austrian psychiatrist
Erwin Jekelius
Austrian psychiatrist