80 people found
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Kurt Gödel
Logician, mathematician, and philosophy of mathematicsphilosopher of mathematics
H. C. Artmann
Austrian poet
Itzik Manger
Israeli Yiddish poet
Ernst Vasovec
Austrian writer
Jura Soyfer
Austrian writer
Erich Fried
Austrian writer
Walter Kraxner
Siegfried L. Kratochwil
Austrian artist
Reinhard Federmann
Austrian author and translator
Oskar K. Rabinowicz
Johannes Ciesciutti
��sterreichischer Bauarbeiter, Schriftsteller und Lyriker
Viktor Rogy
Austrian artist
Nur Bayan
Boris Brainin
Austrian poet and author
László Fenyő
Poet, translator
Anton Leopold
Thomas O. Brandt
Friedrich Bergammer
Austrian poet and writer
Fritz Kalmar
Austrian actor
Jesse Thoor
German writer
Josef Schneider
Ernst Jandl
Austrian poet, dramatic and writer
Gerhard Fritsch
Austrian author and poet
Hermann Mahnert
Austrian poet
Ernst Herbeck
German poet
Albert Drach
Rudolf Witzany
Karl Richard Kern
Valentin Polanšek
Slovene poet and writer
Hugo Huppert
Poet and writer
Jernej Krof
Naci Kranjec
Johann Gunert
Austrian writer
Hans Pacher
Austrian poet, essayist and publisher
Peter Hammerschlag
Austrian writer and artist
Hans Stoiber
Austrian poet
Paul Assinger
Austrian poet
Raimund Marek
Kurt Erich Rotter
Rotter, Kurt Erich; pseud.: Enzio Hauser; b. Vienna, 7-21-07; poet, novelist, short story writer