133 people found
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Arnold Schwarzenegger
Austrian and American actor, bodybuilder, and politician

Norbert Teufelberger
Austrian entrepreneur

Ignaz Pleyel
Austrian-born French composer and piano builder

Frederick Praeger
Austrian-American publisher

Eva Brenner
��sterreichische Theaterregisseurin, Produzentin, Kritikerin, Autorin und Theaterwissenschaftlerin

Christian Lerch
German journalist

Wolfgang Reimann
German billionaire

Alfred Kalmus
Music publisher

Hermann Dechant
Austrian composer, conductor and publisher

Franz Struzl
Austrian business executive

Julia Herr
Member of the National Council of Austria

Robert Austerlitz
Journalist, businessman, CEO, painter, graphic artist

Jakov Bajloni
Czech entrepreneur. brewery owner and banker based in Serbia

Johanna Varner
Austrian publisher

Andreas Großbauer
Austrian violinist and vorstand

Armin L. Robinson
Austrian songwriter, lyricist, musician, music publisher

Gaston Glock
Austrian engineer and businessperson: CEO of firearms manufacturer Glock

Jean Aberbach
Austrian musician

Martin Saidler
Vienna-born Swiss businessman and investor

Peter Kropsch
German press agency chief executive officer

Jakob Veith

Mark Mateschitz
Austrian billionaire

Wolfgang Porsche
Austrian businessman

Günther Tschabuschnig
Austrian technology evangelist

Pietro Mechetti
Publisher in Vienna

Günther Ottendorfer
��sterreichischer Manager der CTO Telekom Austria Group

Bernhard Demmer

Siegfried A. Fruhauf
Austrian filmmaker

Hugo Eberhardt (1948)

Josef Aichinger
Austrian intendant

Franz Graf
industrieel uit Oostenrijk (1837-1921)

Michael Grabner
Austrian publishing executive

Michael Haas

Julius Chmel

Veit Dengler
Austrian business executive

Walter Mair
Austrian gardener, photographer and non-fiction writer

Alfred Stern
Austrian manager

Herbert H. Pichler

Nadja Swarovski
Austrian business executive