607 people found
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Barbara Steiner
Austrian art historian and curator
Ivana Trump
Czech model and entrepreneur
Andrea Amort
Austrian author and historian
Anneliese Landau
deutsche Musikwissenschaftlerin
Elfriede Jelinek
Austrian writer
Betty Paoli
Austrian author
Sabine Groschup
österreichische Künstlerin, Filmemacherin und Autorin
Käthe Recheis
Austrian author and translator
Emma Eckstein
Austrian author and psychoanalysis subject
Ceija Stojka
Austrian artist
Julya Rabinowich
Austrian author
Erika Pluhar
Austrian actress and author
Irmgard Kramer
Autora austriaca
Edit Schlaffer
Austrian social sciientist and activist
Anna Maria Krassnigg
Austrian actor and author
Vilma Neuwirth
Austrian author
Friederike Weichselbaumer
����sterreichische Schriftstellerin
Hermine Cloeter
Austrian art historian and author
Sabine Scholl
Austrian author
Vanessa Walder
Austrian author
Anna Werchota
Austrian dialect writer and civil servant
Karin Berger
Austrian film director and writer
Helene von Druskowitz
Austrian writer and philosopher
Lina Loos
Austrian actor and author
Barbara Neuwirth
Austrian author
Barbara Schinko
Austrian author
Eva Rossmann
Austrian author
Christine Jasch
Austrian economist, author and non-fiction writer
Edith Hlawati
Kristine Tornquist
Austrian author
Lisbeth Gombrich
Georgia Doll
Austrian-born german theater director, playwright and poet
Melanie Laibl
��sterreichische Schriftstellerin und Übersetzerin
Olga Wohlbrück
Austrian author
Sabine Folie
Austrian art historian, writer and museum director
Helene von Exner
Austrian author
Annie Francé-Harrar
Austrian biologist and writer
Tom Seidmann-Freud
Austrian author
Anna Wambrechtsamer
Austrian author
Luise Eichendorff
German baroness and author