50 people found
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Luigi Configliachi
Abate, naturalista e docente italiano
Norbert Schachinger
Austrian abbot
Carlo Egger
Italian abbot
Bernhard Weidner
Austrian Cistercian and abbot of the Wilhering monastery
Johann Seifried
Austrian Cistercian and abbot of Zwettl Abbey
Wolfgang Wiedermann
Austrian abbot
Dominik Lebschy
Abt und Landeshauptmann von Österreich ob der Enns
Austrian abbot of the Benedictine monastery in Münsterschwarzach
Edmund Zoz
Austrian cistercian abbot
Adeodatus Babik
Hilarius Sigmund
Austrian Cistercian and abbot of the Wilhering monastery from 1709 to 1730
Robert Beigl
Austrian abbot
Cyril František Napp
Czech roman catholic priest
Friedrich Pfennigbauer
Cistercian Abbot
Maximilian Mayr
Propst von Kloster Neustift
Bruno Heinrich
Austrian Cistercian and abbot
Bonifaz Negele
Ordensgeistlicher, Abt des Benediktinerstiftes Kremsmünster
Eberhard Vollnhofer
Austrian monk and abbot
Erenbert Schrevogl
Abt des Benediktinerstiftes Kremsmünster
Honorius Burger
Austrian abbot
Matthaeus Schweitzer
Austrian Cistercian and abbot of the Wilhering monastery
Johann II. Hammerschmied
Austrian Cistercian and abbot of the Wilhering monastery
Raimund Schedelberger
Austrian Cistercian and abbot of the Wilhering monastery from 1750 to 1753
Caspar II. Orlacher
Austrian Cistercian and abbot of the Wilhering monastery
Georg II. Grill
Austrian Cistercian and Abbot of Wilhering
Johann III. Schiller
Austrian Cistercian and abbot of the Wilhering monastery
Leopold Baumberger
Abbot of Wilten Abbey
Urban Tremel
Austrian Cistercian and last abbot of the Aldersbach monastery
Meinrad Siegl
Böhmischer Zisterzienser, Abt des Klosters Ossegg
Matthäus Kolweiss
Vigilius Kranicher
Abbot of Stams monastery
Gottfried of Admont
Austrian abbot
Bruno Detterle
Austrian Cistercian and abbot of the Wilhering monastery from 1801 to 1832
Alan Aichinger
Abbot of the Wilhering Monastery
Reinhold Dessl
Austrian religious priest and abbot of Wilhering Abbey
Florian Pröll
Austrian priest and abbot
Franz Xaver Kortleitner
Katholischer Theologe und Exeget; Prämonstratenser im Chorherrenstift Wilten (Innsbruck); 1935 auf Grund seiner Verdienste umd die Exegese des Alten Testaments zum Konsultor der päpstlichen Bibelkommission berufen.
Nikolaus Kasche
��sterreichischer Zisterzienser und Abt
Koloman Holzinger
Austrian abbot and Abtpräses
Alberich Fritz
Austrian abbot (1704-1787)