70 people found
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Andrea Suma
Prelate of the Roman Catholic Church
Ndre Mjeda
Albanian Gheg poet
Tosol Bardhi
Prelate of the Roman Catholic Church
Lazër Mjeda
Catholic bishop
Seraphim II of Constantinople
Patriarch of Constantinople
Dom Simon Jubani
Albanian political prisoner
Arjan Dodaj
Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church
Lucjan Avgustini
Catholic bishop
Anton Kryezezi
Prelate of the Roman Catholic Church
Gjon Pantalia
Gesuita albanese
Prek Ndrevashaj
Albanian priest
Ndue Gjergji
Albanian priest
Naum Cere
Anton Kryezezi
Prelate of the Roman Catholic Church
Zef Oroshi
Albanian priest
Lek Sirdani
Zef Simoni
Albanian priest
Zef Gashi
Catholic bishop
Franz Werhahn
Priesterweihe 18.03.1905 in Köln; Kaplan in Viersen (St. Josef) u. Köln (St. Alban); Lehrer in Lehrerseminaren in Jülich, Linnich, Brühl; Religionslehrer und Studienrat an Gymnasien: Köln-Kreuzgasse, Köln-Deutz, Köln-Kalk; Pensionierung
Marko Sopi
Catholic bishop
Lazër Vladanji
Catholic bishop
Pal Engjëlli
Catholic cardinal
Pal Dushmani
Roman catholic bishop
Robert Ashta
Albanian priest
Nikollë Troshani
Albański biskup katolicki
Gjon Nikollë Kazazi
Albanian priest
Anton Xanoni
Albanischer Autor und Jesuit
Gjergj Koleci
Albanian Catholic bishop and politician
Agathangjel Çamçe
Албански православен духовник
Simon Kulli
The Albanian Catholic bishop