Tiina Koivisto

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Work fieldAcademia Music
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Tiina Koivisto on soome muusikateadlane. Filosoofiadoktor, Turu ülikooli musikoloogia osakonna vanemassistendi kohusetäitja, Sibeliuse Akadeemia kompositsiooni ja muusikateooria osakonna lektor.


  • "Multilayered Rhythms, Meter, and Notated Meter: Temporal Processes in Elliott Carter's Second String Quartet". Theory and Practice, forthcoming.
  • "Syntactical Space and Registral Spacing in Elliott Carter’s Remembrance", Perspectives of New Music 42(2), 2004: 158-189.
  • "The Defining Moment: the Thema as Relational Nexus in Webern's Op. 27," In Theory Only, vol. 13/1-4, 1997: 29-69.
  • "Aspects of Motion in Elliott Carter's Second String Quartet," Intégral 10, 1996: 19-52.
  • "Musical Continuities in Schoenberg's Variations for Orchestra, Op. 31." Theory and Practice, vol. 20, 1995: 57-90.
  • "On Musical Syntax and the Total Chromatic". In Principles of Music Composition: Aspects of Historical Dispersion. Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademija. 2004: 14-25.
  • "Katsaus atonaalisen musiikin teorian ja analyysin kehittymiseen" (On the Development of Theory and Analysis of Atonal Music), Musiikki no. 2, 1999: 123-169. (Music; the journal of the Finnish Musicological Society.)
  • "Avaruudesta, liikkeestä ja ajasta jälkitonaalisessa musiikissa" (On Spatiality, Motion, and Temporality in Post-Tonal Music). In Musiikin filosofia ja estetiikka. (Music Philosophy and Aesthetics). Ed. Alfonso Padilla and Juhani Torvinen. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino. 2005.


  • "Modes of Temporality in Non-tonal Music", Fourth Biennial International Conference on Twentieth-Century Music, Brighton England. 2005
  • "On Interpretations and Influences of Anton Webern’s Music", 38th Baltic Musicological Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania. 2004
  • "Spaces and Moves: Interpreting Syntax in Non-Tonal Music", 14th Nordic Musicological Congress, Helsinki, Finland. 2004
  • "Metriset prosessit jälkitonaalisessa musiikissa", (Metric Processes in Post-Tonal Music) VIII musiikintutkijoiden symposium, (The 8th Symposium of the Finnish Researchers of Music), Helsinki, Finland. 2004
  • "Musical Syntaxes and the Resources of the Total Chromatic", 4th Music Theory Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2004
  • Twelve-Tone Chords and Register: Spatial Processes in Elliott Carter's Remembrance." Society for Music Theory Conference, Madison, WI, U.S.A. 2003
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