A Supplement to the Plays of William Shakespeare (Locrine / London Prodigal / Puritan / Sir John Oldcastle / Thomas Lord Cromwell / Two Noble Kinsmen / Yorkshire Tragedy)
The supplementary works of William Shakspeare (Locrine / London Prodigal / Lover's Complaint / Passionate Pilgrim / Pericles / Puritan / Rape of Lucrece / Sir John Oldcastle / Sonnets / Supplementary Poems / Thomas Lord Cromwell / Titus Andronicus / Venus and Adonis / Yorkshire Tragedy)
Sir Robert Sherley, sent ambassadour in the name of the King of Persia, to Sigismond the Third, King of Poland and Swecia, and to other princes of Europe
Supplement to the edition of Shakespeare's plays published in 1778 (Locrine / London Prodigal / Lover's Complaint / Passionate Pilgrim / Pericles / Puritan / Rape of Lucrece / Sir John Oldcastle / Sonnets / Thomas Lord Cromwell / Venus and Adonis / Yorkshire Tragedy)