Fr. Thomas Carroll is an Irish priest in the Greek Orthodox Church. His parish in Dublin is part of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain. Thomas Carroll was accepted into the Orthodox church on Palm Sunday 1986. Fr Thomas Irenaeus Basil Carroll was ordained a deacon and priest of the Orthodox church the first Irish born person ordained. He is a graduate of St. Patrick's, Carlow College earning a BA degree in Humanities (Philosophy and Theology). He also holds a master's degree in Theology from Maynooth College. Carroll served in the Irish Army, in Cyprus, before joining the Greek Church. Since 2007 Fr Carroll has been responsible for the Church of the Annunciation in Arbour Hill in Dublin
Fr. Carroll represents the Greek Orthodox community at Irish state events such as the 1916 commemorations, world war commemorations etc.. He also represents the Church at the Irish and Dublin Council of Churches.