Sergey V. Zhirov, Russian entomologist
- Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Authored taxa
- 0 taxa authored by Sergey V. Zhirov
- Orel (Zorina), O.V., Lobkova, L.E., Zhirov, S.V. & Petrova, N.A. 2015: A new record of Chironomus (Chironomus) acidophilus Keyl (Diptera, Chironomidae) from the Uzon volcanic caldera (Kronotsky Reserve, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia), its karyotype, ecology and biology. Zootaxa 3981(2): 177–192. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3981.2.2. Preview (PDF) Reference page.