Rakesh Singh (born 4 June 1962) is an Indian politician and member of the Bhartiya Janta Party. He is presently a member of the 16th Lok Sabha. He has been representing the Jabalpur constituency of Madhya Pradesh since 2004 general elections.
He has been appointed as the Chief Whip of Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) in Lok Sabha on 18 July 2016.
Shri Rakesh Singh upholds Co-Incharge (Sah Prabhari) of Maharashtra state as he has strong organizational skills.
He is working as the Parliamentary Standing Committee Chairman on Coal and Steel. He is also member of several parliamentary committees.
Besides these political activities, Shri Rakesh Singh is known for his social and public movement Jal Yatra whose aim was to bring awareness among common people for conservation and preservation of most valuable element water (Jal) in his constituency areas.
One of his another prominent social work campaign was prohibition and rejection of non-vegetarian food among common people, which influenced a lot.