The first follower and successor of Shaikh Muhibbullah Allahabadi is Maulana Sadruddin, Qazi of Allahabad. He is commonly known as Qazi Ghasi. His father Qazi Sanaullah was Judge of Allahabad and was very rich. Qazi Ghasi was a great seeker of knowledge. When he was just fourteen years old he was an admirer of Marifat-e-Ilahi (acquaintance with Allah) and realities. One day he discussed some problem with his teacher at the end of which he remained dissatisfied. His restlessness continued till he saw a respected figure in his dream who was saying to him that the said problem would not be solved by the Ustad (Teacher). He said a person with such features lived at the bank of Yamuna only he would solve the said problem. In the morning Qazi Ghasi talked with his Ustad about the dream. Ustad asked him to go to Jaunpur as it was the centre of Ulama, but he failed to go to jaunpur because of some reasons. On his return, he saw a man resembling the feature as told to him by the respected figure in his dream. As Qazi Ghasi neared him he found him exactly the same. Shaikh Muhibbullah Allahabadi Told him about the problem in exceeding good manner. Qazi Sahib was very much impressed and became his follower and disciple and attained the position of Mushahidah with his Riyazat and spiritual exercise. he was one of the chief Khalifas of Shaikh Muhibbullah Allahabadi and was considered one of his great disciples who carried on his traditions in Allahabad and succeeded to Shaikh's spiritual post. Qazi Ghasi was the Spiritual preceptor of savants of Firangi Mahal, Lucknow. Qazi Ghasi Died during the regin of Aurangzeb.