Patrick Duigenan
British politician
A fair representation of the present political state of Ireland
An answer to the address of the Right Honourable Henry Grattan
Speech of Patrick Duigenan
An answer to the address of ... Henry Grattan ... to his fellow-citizens of Dublin
History of the Irish rebellion
The Nature and Extent of the Demands of the Irish Roman Catholics Fully ..
A fair representation of the present political state of Ireland
Speech of Patrick Duigenan, L.L.D., in the Irish House of Commons, Wednesday, Feb. 5, 1800
A speech spoken in the House of Commons of Ireland on Monday February 4, 1793
A speech spoken in the House of Commons of Ireland, on Monday, February the fourth, 1793
The Address of the Catholics of Dublin, to the Right Honourable Henry Grattan, presented to him ... at the meeting in Francis Street, on the 27th February 1795, with his answer
An address to the nobility and gentry of the Church of Ireland, as by law established
The speech of Doctor Duigenan, delivered in the House of Commons of the Imperial Parliament, May 10, 1805, in the debate on a petition presented in the name of the Roman Catholics of Ireland, by the Hon. Charles James Fox
The speech of Doctor Duigenan, delivered in the House of Commons of the Imperial Parliament, May 10, 1805
The speech delivered by Doctor Duigenan
An address to the nobility and gentry of the Church of Ireland, explaining the causes of the commotions and insurrections in the southern parts of this kingdom, respecting tithes, and the real motives and designs of the projectors and abettors of those commotions and insurrections and containing a candid inquiry into the practicability of substituting any other mode of subsistance and maintenance for the clergy of the church established, consistent with the principles of reason and justice, in the place of tithes
The nature and extent of the demands of the Irish Roman Catholics fully explained; in observations and strictures on a pamphlet, entitled, A history of the penal laws against the Irish Roman Catholics
An answer to the address of the Right Honourable Henry Grattan, ex-representative of the City of Dublin in Parliament, to his fellow citizens of Dublin