Michael L. O’Dell on Tampereen yliopiston entinen fonetiikan yliopistonlehtori. Hänen keskeisenä tutkimuskohteenaan on puheen prosodia, erityisesti puherytmi, ajoitus ja kvantiteetti.
- O’Dell, Michael L. & Nieminen, Tommi 2019: Syllable rate, syllable complexity and speech tempo perception in Finnish. Teoksessa: International Congress of Phonetic Sciences ICPhS 2019, Melbourne, Australia.
- O’Dell, Michael & Nieminen, Tommi 2018: Distal rate effect for Finnish epenthetic vowels. Teoksessa Katarzyna Klessa ym. (toim.): 9th international conference on speech Prosody 2018: 13–16 June 2018, Poznań, Poland. 646–650.
- Małisz, Zofia & O’Dell, Michael & Nieminen, Tommi & Wagner, Petra 2016: Perspectives on speech timing: Coupled oscillator modeling of Polish and Finnish. Phonetica 73: 233–259.
- O’Dell, Michael L. & Nieminen, Tommi & Lennes, Mietta 2015: Hazard regression for modeling conversational silence. Teoksessa: ICPhS 2015: Proceedings. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 10–14 Aug 2015 Secc Glasgow Scotland UK.
- Nieminen, Tommi & O’Dell, Michael L. 2013: Visualizing speech rhythm: A survey of alternatives. Teoksessa Eva-Liina Asu & Pärtel Lippus (toim.): Nordic Prosody: Proceedings of the XIth Conference, Tartu 2012. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main. 265–274.
- Włodarczak, Marcin ym. 2013: Finnish rhythmic structure and entrainment in overlapped speech. Teoksessa: Eva-Liina Asu & Pärtel Lippus (toim.): Nordic Prosody: Proceedings of the XIth Conference, Tartu 2012. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main. 421–430.
- O’Dell, Michael L. & Nieminen, Tommi & Lennes, Mietta 2012: Modeling turn-taking rhythms with oscillators. Linguistica Uralica XLVIII: 3: 218–227.
- O’Dell, Michael L. ym. 2011: Relative timing of bilabial gesture in Finnish. Teoksessa: Wai-Sum Lee & Eric Zee (toim.): Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- O’Dell, Michael L. & Nieminen, Tommi & Mustanoja, Liisa 2010: Assessing rhythmic differences with synchronous speech. Teoksessa: Speech Prosody 2010 Conference Proceedings, 100141.
- O’Dell, Michael L. & Nieminen, Tommi (toim.) 2009: Fonetiikan päivät 2008: XXV Fonetiikan päivillä Tampereen yliopistossa 11.–12.1.2008 pidetyt esitelmät. Tampere Studies in Language, Translation and Culture B 3. Tampere University Press, Tampere.
- O’Dell, Michael L. & Nieminen, Tommi 2009: Coupled oscillator model for speech timing: overview and examples. Teoksessa: Martti Vainio, Reijo Aulanko & Olli Aaltonen (toim.): Nordic Prosody: Proceedings of the Xth Conference, Helsinki 2008. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2009. 179–189.
- O’Dell, Michael L. & Lennes, Mietta & Nieminen, Tommi 2008: Hierarchical levels of rhythm in conversational speech. Teoksessa: Plínio A. Barbosa, Sandra Madureira & César Reis (toim.): Proceedings of the Speech Prosody 2008 Conference. Editora RG/CNPq, Campinas 2008. 355–358.
- O’Dell, Michael L. ym. 2007: Looking for rhythms in conversational speech. Teoksessa: Jürgen Trouvain & William J. Barry (toim.), ICPhS XVI. 6–10 August 2007, Saarbrücken Germany: Proceedings. Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken. 1201–1204.
- O’Dell, Michael 2003: Intrinsic timing and quantity in Finnish. Acta Universitatis Tamperensis 979, University of Tampere Press. ISBN 951-44-5838-9. (Väitöskirja.)
- O’Dell, Michael L. & Nieminen, Tommi 2003: How long is a stress group? Cadernos de Estudos Lingüísticos 43: 93–108.
- O’Dell, Michael L. & Nieminen, Tommi 1999: Coupled oscillator model of speech rhythm. Teoksessa: Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, San Francisco, 1–7 August 1999. Linguistics Department, University of California, Berkeley. Vol. 2, 1075–1078.
- O’Dell, M. L. & Nieminen, T. 1998: Reasons for an underlying unity in rhythm dichotomy. Linguistica Uralica XXXIV: 3: 178–185.