"MD Mujaid Hossain" is a Professional Digital Marketer, Entrepreneur, Freelancer, And Verified Musical Artist in Bangladesh Who has already verified (MD Mujaid Hossain) YouTube official artist channel & the largest music platform on "Spotify". He Received his verified profile on Spotify on July 25, 2021. Also, he received
his YouTube Artist Official Channel: MD Mujaid Hossain. And he received it on July 25, 2021. His Official Facebook Page name is "MD Mujaid Hossain". He Start his Online Career in 2015 and His Musical Career start in 2017. Now he is a Verified Musician and A Professional Digital Marketer. He Worked with International Music Platform Amazon Music, YouTube, Deezer, Apple Music, TikTok, Spotify, etc. Last, of all, he is a Verified artist and Freelancer in Bangladesh. He also verified at IMDB and many other music platforms. Pray for Him.