Q: What is the full name of Mary Harriman Rumsey?
A: Mary Harriman Rumsey's full name is Mary Harriman Rumsey.
Q: When and where was Mary Harriman Rumsey born?
A: Mary Harriman Rumsey was born on November 17, 1881, in New York City, New York, United States.
Q: How is Mary Harriman Rumsey described in terms of her career?
A: Mary Harriman Rumsey was an American philanthropist and social reformer.
Q: What was the founding of the Junior League of the City of New York in 1901?
A: Mary Harriman Rumsey founded the Junior League of the City of New York in 1901.
Q: When did Mary Harriman Rumsey die?
A: Mary Harriman Rumsey died on December 18, 1934, in New York City, New York, United States.