The gens Luria was a minor plebeian family at ancient Rome. Although many Lurii are known from inscriptions, the only member of this gens to play a significant role in history was Marcus Lurius, a lieutenant of Octavian in the years following the death of Caesar.
- Marcus Lurius, governor of Sardinia in 40 BC, during the war against Sextus Pompey, fought off an invasion led by Menas; but while giving chase he was defeated, and forced to abandon the island. In 31 BC, Lurius commanded the right wing of Octavian's fleet at the Battle of Actium.
- Publius Lurius Agrippa, a triumvir monetalis in the time of Augustus.
- Lurius Varus, consul sometime between 40 and 46, was expelled from the Senate for extortion while as proconsul of Pannonia or Dalmatia. He secured his re-admittance in 57 with the help of Otho.
- Marcus Lurius Varus, mentioned in an inscription at Reate. His relation to the other Lurii is uncertain.