İsmail Saymaz (born 11 July 1980, in Rize) is a Turkish investigative journalist for the newspaper Radikal (since May 2002). He has published articles and books on the Turkish deep state and Ergenekon, including a 2011 book on links between the 2007 Zirve Publishing House massacre and the 2006 killing of Andrea Santoro, and another 2011 book on former police chief Hanefi Avcı. He has won a number of awards for his work.
Saymaz is one of a number of journalists charged in relation to reporting on the Ergenekon trials for "violating the secrecy of an investigation". In late 2010 he was involved in 12 legal cases carrying a total prison term of 97 years, beginning with five stories printed in early 2010, each with a potential sentence of nine years.
- Postmodern Cihat ("Postmodern Jihad"), Kalkedon Yayıncılık, 2010.
- Nefret - Malatya: Bir Milli Mutabakat Cinayeti ("Hate - Malatya: A Murder of National Consensus"), Kalkedon Yayıncılık, 2011.
- Hanefi Yoldaş: Gizli Örgüt Nasıl Çökertilir?, Kalkedon Yayıncılık, 2011.
- Oğlumu Öldürdünüz Arz Ederim - 12 Eylül'ün Beş Öyküsü: İnciraltı Katliamı, Cemil Kırbayır, Cengiz Aksakal, Nurettin Yedigöl, Maraş'ta Dört Yürek, Postacı Yayınevi, 2012
- Sıfır Tolerans: Polisin Eline Düşünce, İletişim Yayınevi, 2012.
- Metin Göktepe Gazetecilik Ödülü (Metin Göktepe Journalism Award) (2010)
- Freedom of Press Award of the Turkish Journalists' Association (2010)
- Ayşe Zarakolu Freedom of Thought prize (2011)
- Turkish Publishers Association's Freedom of Thought and Expression Prize (2012)