Gweneth Nell Stevens (1934 - ) (G.N.Stevens)
Australian botanist and lichenologist
- Stevens, GN 1979: Distribution and related ecology of macrolichens on mangroves on the east Australian coast. - Lichenologist 11: 293–305.
- Rogers, RW/ Stevens, GN 1981: Lichens. - In: A. Keast (ed.): Ecological Biogeography of Australia. Volume 1. Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, The Hague-Boston-London, pp. 593-603.
- Stevens, GN 1986: Three new saxicolous Ramalinae from Australia. - Lichenologist 18: 183–189.
- Rogers, RW/ Stevens, GN 1988: The Usnea baileyi complex (Parmeliaceae, lichenised ascomycetes) in Australia. - Australian Systematic Botany 1: 355–361.
- Scott, GAM/ Entwisle, TJ/ May, TW/ Stevens, GN 1997: A Conservation Overview of Australian Non-marine Lichens, Bryophytes, Algae and Fungi. - Environment Australia, Canberra. 121 pp.