An answer to the first and second part of an anonymous pamphlet, entitled, Observations upon the conduct and behaviour of a certain sect usually distinguished by the name of Methodists
Hymns for social worship, collected from various authors, and more particularly design'd for the use of the Tabernacle congregation, in London. By George Whitefield, ..
Five sermons on the following subjects, viz. I. Christ the believer's husband. ... V. The resurrection of Lazarus. By George Whitefield, ... With a preface by the Rev. Mr. Gilbert Tennent
A continuation of the Reverend Mr. Whitefield's journal, from a few days after his return to Georgia to his arrival at Falmouth, on the 11th of March 1741. ... The seventh journal
Ten sermons on the following subjects; Viz. I. Christ, the believer's husband. II. The Gospel supper. ... X. The conversion of Zaccheus. By Mr. George Whitefield
Persecution, the Christian's lot. A sermon, preached on Monday afternoon. September 14th, 1741. In the High-church-yard of Glasgow, ... By ... George Whitefield
A brief account of the occasion, process, and issue of a late tryal at the assize held at Gloucester, the third of March, 1743. ... extracted from Mr. Whitefield's letter
A continuation of the account of the orphan-house in Georgia, from January 1740/1 to June 1742. To which are also subjoin'd, some extracts from an account of a work of a like nature, carried on by the late Professor Franck ... By George Whitefield, ..
A brief account of the occasion, process, and issue of a late trial at the assize held at Gloucester, March 3. 1743,4. between some of the people call'd Methodists, plaintiffs, and certain persons of the town of Minchin-Hampton, in the said county, defendants