A trve relation of the chiefe passages betweene Mr. Anthony Wotton, and Mr. George Walker, in the yeare of our lord 1611, and in the yeares next following untill 1615
The key of saving knovvledge, opening out of the holy Scriptures, the right way, and straight passage to eternall life, or, A dialogue wherein the chiefe principles of the Christian religion are unfolded for the enabling of Christian people, to understand the Word of God ..
A modell of the government of the Church under the Gospel, by Presbyters, proved out of the Holy Scriptures, to be that one, onely uniform government of the universall visible Church, and of all nationall, provinciall, classicall and congregationall churches
The summe of a disputation, betweene Mr. VValker pastor of St. Iohn Euangelists in Watling-street London; and a popish priest, calling himselfe Mr. Smith, but indeed Norrice, assisted by other priests and papists
Fishers folly unfolded: or The vaunting Iesuites vanity discovered in a challenge of his (by him proudly made, but on his part poorely performed.) Vndertaken and answered by George Walker pastor of S. Iohn Euangelist in Watlingstreet London
Socinianisme in the fundamentall point of justification discovered, and confuted, or, An answer to a written pamphlet maintaining that faith is in a proper sense without a trope imputed to beleevers in justification
The svmme of a dispvtation betweene Mr. VValker, pastor of St. Iohn Euanglists [sic] in Watling-street London, and a popish priest calling himselfe Mr. Smith, but indeed Norrice