Frederick Frye Rockwell (Orleans, Massachusetts, 1884–Nyack, New York, 1976) was an American author of gardening books, and an editor of numerous magazines and periodical columns pertaining to horticulture. Frye was a founder of Home Garden Magazine. His editing career included the positions of Sunday garden editor of the New York Times, senior editor of Flower Grower-Home Garden, and garden editor of Farm Journal, Town Journal, McCall's, and Living for Young Homemakers. He was also former national president of Mens Clubs of America, and a founder of the Men's Garden Club of New York. He first married Ethel Marjorie Hughan, of Brooklyn, New York, with whom he had three boys and a girl. They later divorced and he married Esther Grayson, his co-author on a number of books.
- Home vegetable gardening (1911)
- Gardening indoors and under glass (1912)
- The gardener's pocket manual (1914)
- Making a garden of small fruits (1914)
- The key to the land: what a city man did with a small farm (1915)
- Around the year in the garden (1917)
- The little pruning book (1917)
- Save it for winter: modern methods of canning, dehydrating, preserving and fruit for winter use (1918)
- Gladiolus (1927)
- Shrubs (1927)
- Rock gardens (1928)
- Evergreens for the small place (1928)
- Irises (1928)
- Gardening with peat moss (1928) (William Breitenbucher, co-author)
- Dahlias (1929)
- Lawns (1929)
- Your home garden and grounds (1930)
- Roses (1930)
- Peonies (1933)
- The book of bulbs (1935)
- Flower arrangement (1935) (Esther Grayson, co-author)
- Gardening indoors (1938) (Esther Grayson, co-author)
- Flower arrangement in color (1940) (Esther Grayson, co-author)
- The gardener's bug book: 1,000 insect pests and their control (1946) (co-author under Cynthia Westcott)
- The complete book of flower arrangement: for home decoration, for show competition (1947) (Esther Grayson, co-author)
- The complete book of annuals (1955) (Esther Grayson, co-author)
- The Rockwell's complete book of roses (1958) (Esther Grayson, co-author)
- The complete book of lilies (1961) (Esther Grayson, co-author)
- "The Complete Guide to Successful Gardening" (1965) (Esther C. Grayson, co-author)