America A Concise History 3e V2&Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin 2e&Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass 2e&What Caused the Pueblo Revolt of 1680
America Concise History 3e V1 & Documents to Accompany America's History 5e V1 & Bedford Glossary for U.S. History & Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass 2e
Life and Times of Frederick Douglass Written by Himself, His Early Life as a Slave, His Escape from Bondage, and His Complete History to the Present Time
Reading the American Past 3e V1 & Declaring Rights & Cherokee Removal 2e & Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass 2e & Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Address by Hon. Frederick Douglass, delivered in the Metropolitan A.M.E. Church, Washington, D.C., Tuesday, January 9th, 1894, on the lessons of the hour
Oration by Frederick Douglass, delivered on the occasion of the unveiling of the freedmen's monument in memory of Abraham Lincoln, in Lincoln Park, Washington, D.C., April 14th, 1876