Dexippus of Cos, (also called Dioxippus; 4th century BC), a Greek physician of Cos, who was one of the pupils of the celebrated Hippocrates, and lived in the 4th century BC. Hecatomnus, prince of Caria (385-377 BC), sent for him to cure his sons, Mausolus and Pixodarus, of a dangerous illness, which he undertook to do upon condition that Hecatomnus should cease from waging war against his country. He wrote some medical works, of which nothing but the titles remain. He was blamed by Erasistratus for his excessive severity in restricting the quantity of drink allowed to his patients. He is quoted by Plutarch, and Aulus Gellius, in the controversy that was maintained among some of the ancient physicians as to whether the drink passed down the windpipe or the gullet.