To the truly honourable, & venerable, John Maxwel rector. John Stirling vice-chancellor, and principal. James Brown dean of the faculty. James Simpson profes [sic] of divinity. And the rest of the learned & worthy professors, of the renowned University of Glasgow
Another tongue brought in, to confess the great Saviour of the world. Or, Some communications of Christianity, put into a tongue used among the Iroquois Indians, in America
The comfortable chambers, opened and visited upon the departure of that aged and faithful servant of God, Mr. Peter Thatcher, the never to be forgotten Pastor of Milton
The hatchets, to hew down the tree of sin, which bears the fruit of death. Or, The laws, by which the magistrates are to punish offences, among the Indians, as well as among the English. =
A conquest over the grand excuse of sinfulness and slothfulness. Or, The cause of God and religion, pleaded against those, who make their inability to do good, their plea, for their continuance in a way of evil-doing
Christian loyalty. Or, some suitable sentiments on the withdraw of King George the First, of glorious memory, and the access of King George the Second, unto the throne of the British empire. By Cotton Mather, ..
Help for distressed parents, or, Counsels and comforts for godly parents afflicted with ungodly children and warnings unto children to beware of all those evil courses which would be afflictive unto their parents
Christian loyalty, or, Some suitable sentiments on the withdraw of King George the First of glorious memory, and the access of King George the Second unto the throne of the British Empire
Christianus per ignem. Or, A disciple warming of himself and owning of his Lord: with devout and useful meditations, fetch'd out of the fire, by a Christian in a cold season, sitting before it
Sober considerations, on a growing flood of iniquity. Or, An essay, to dry up a fountain of, confusion and every evil work; and to warn people, particularly of the woful consequences, which the prevailing abuse of rum, will be attended withal
A poem dedicated to the memory of the Reverend and excellent Mr. Urian Oakes, the late pastor to Christ's flock, and praesident of Harvard-Colledge, in Cambridge
The present state of the prison of Ludgate, fully discovering all its customs, privileges and advantages, whereby it exceeds all other prisons and particularly shewing what treatment the prisoners meet with from their first entrance to their discharge
A tree planted by the rivers of water. Or, An essay, upon the godly and glorious inprovements, which baptised Christians are to make to their sacred baptism
Christodulus. A good reward of a good servant. Or, The service of a glorious Christ, justly demanded and commended, from a view of the glory with which it shall be recempensed [sic]