Codice diplomatico Colombo-Americano, ossia, Raccolta di documenti originali e inediti, spettanti a Cristoforo Colombo alla scoperta ed al governo dell'America
Codice diplomatico columbo-americano, ossia, Raccolta di documenti, originali e inediti, spettanti a Cristoforo Columbo alla scoperta ed al governo dell'America
The log of Christopher Columbus' first voyage to America in the year 1492, as copied out in brief by Bartholomew Las Casas, one of his companions, with illustrations by J. O'H. Cosgrave, II
Epistola de insulis nouiter repertis. Photolithograph of an edition printed in Paris, about 1493, of the Latin translation of Columbus's letter to Sanxis. From Archbishop Laud's copy preserved in the Bodleian library, Oxford
The letter in Spanish of Christopher Columbus ... to Luis de Sant Angel, 15 Feb.-14 March, 1493, announcing the discovery of the New World. Reproduced in facsimile from a unique copy in the possession of the publishers with introductory and critical remarks, accompanied by a revised Spanish version, and a literal translation into English
The Spanish letter of Columbus to Luis de Sant Angel, dated 15 Feb., 1493. Reprinted in facsimile from the unique copy of the original edition (printed at Barcelona early in April, 1493)