Brian Leslie Dunsby, BSc, CEng, FIChemE, FIM, FCIM, FIAM, FIBC, is the principal, Perlex Associates, Harrogate, North Yorkshire. He is the chief executive of the non-profit Yorkshire Business Market Ltd.
Dunsby is a successful entrepreneur. He founded a perlite business which he sold to a major agricultural supplier. Afterwards he channelled much of his energies thorough Perlex Associates, which outsourced organisational tasks.
He has helped other entrepreneurs to create and grow new businesses. He has provided a significant amount of this help at his own cost.
In 1992 Dunsby became Chief Executive of the Institute of Business Advisers.
Dunsby was elected director of the International Council of Small Business in 1999, organising the 2003 World Conference.
2001-2006, he was on the governing body of the World Association of SMEs.
In 2001, he was elected director of the UK Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship and organised the International Entrepreneurship Conferences from 2004-2008.
Dunsby has been the Chief Executive of the Harrogate Chamber of Commerce since 2002, though he has announced will step down in spring 2016.
In 2008, he was awarded the Queen's Award for Enterprise Promotion.
Dunsby organised the Harrogate Christmas Market in 2013, an award winning event put on by Perlex Associates and Harrogate Chamber of Commerce, under the auspices of the non-profit Yorkshire Business Market Ltd.
Dunsby was the secretary of the John Innes Manufactures Association (JIMA), until he retired form that role after 32 years involvement with the organization in 2010.