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Quick Facts
Avtandil Silagadze (Georgian: ავთანდილ სილაგაძე ) (born on February 5, 1954) Academician of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (2013-), Corresponding Member of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (2001-2013), Doctor of Economic Sciences (1989), Professor (1990). Was graduated from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU), Faculty of Economics (1977) and post-graduate courses of the same university (1980).
Since 2014 Professor and Chair of the Department of International Economics and Economic History, Faculty of Economics and Business, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU). In 2009 - 2013 - Full Professor of Tbilisi University of International Relations; in 2003 - 2008 - a Member of the Parliament of Georgia; 1998 - 2006 – Vice-Rector, Professor and Chair of the Department of International Economics and Economic History, Faculty of Economics and Business, TSU; 1992 - 1998 - Chairman of the Chamber of Control of Georgia, then- Minister of State Property Management;[1] 1990 - 1994 - Professor of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) (part-time); 1986 - 1992 - Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU); 1981 - 1990 - Associate Professor of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Avtandil Silagadze is the head of authors' group and editorial board of the first Georgian Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics.
Professional Associations: (born 2013 -) Academician of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences;
(2001-2013) corresponding member of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences; (1996-) Academician of the: International Academy of Education, Industry and Arts, California (USA); (1997-) Academician of the International Academy of Economics and Entrepreneurship of the Russian Federation; (2001-) Co-chair of the Association of Georgian Economists.
Research Award: Georgian State Prize in Science and Technology (2004).
Bibliography of the main scientific works
- Historical Parallels of the National Economic Doctrines. Refereed International Journal Ecoforum. Vol. 5. №2, 2016, pp. 66-69.
- Aspects of China’s Economic Development (co-authorship). Refereed International Journal Ecoforum.
Vol. 5. №1, 2016, pp. 47-64.
- The Use of Drinking Water in the Conditions of Maintaining Ecological Balance (co-authorship.
Refereed International Journal Ecoforum. Vol. 5. №1, 2016, pp. 65-69.
- Parameters of the European Union and the Post-Soviet Georgia’s Economy (co-authorship. (2015). (C./A. 1). Refereed International Journal of Multidisciplinary Thought (IJMT), Volume 5, No 3. 2015, USA. pp. 441-447.
- FAILURE OF THE KEYNESIAN MULTIPLIER DOCTRINE:SOME ASPECTS OF INTERRELATION BETWEEN INVESTMENTS AND EMPLOYMENT. (2015). “Topical Problems of Sustainable Development of National Economies.” TSU, Paata Gugushvili Institute of Economics. Tbilisi, pp.58-60.
- The Post-Soviet Economy: The Concept of Drinking Water Business Development(co-authorship. Refereed International Journal of Business and Management Studies (IJBMS), Volume 4, No 1. 2015, USA. pp. 299-307.
- Integration Economic Indicators of the EU and Some Issues of Development of Post-Soviet Countries – New Associate Members of the EU. Moldavian Journal of International Law and International Relations. 2014, Issue 3, Volume 33, Pages 78-83.
ISSN 1857-1999.
- Macroeconomic indicators: Comparative indicators of Georgia and the European Union. “Outcomes and prospects of the Vilnius Summit.” Tbilisi University publishing house, Tb, 2014, pp.9-16. (in Georgian);
- The main economic indicators of the EU and Georgia “Topical problems of the development of economy and economic science.” Collection of scholarly works of Paata Gugushvili Institute of Economics TSU,2014, pp.50-52. (co-authorship)(in Georgian).
- Некоторые сравнительные показатели экономического развития новых ассоцированных членов - постсоветских стран ЕС. Журн. «Социальная Экономика», №4. Тбилиси, 2014, сс. 60-68. (cо-авторство).
- POST-COMMUNIST ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: OBSTACLES AND PROSPECTS (A GEORGIAN CASE-STUDY). J. The Caucasus& Globalization. Vol. 7, Issue 3-4, pp. 72-81. CA&CC Press, Sweden.2013. pp. 80-90 (co-authorship).
- Priorities for the Economy of Postcommunist Georgia in the Context of the World Financial Crisis. J. Problems of Economic Transition (USA). Issue: Volume 56, Number 8 / December. 2013. Pages:3–16.
- POST-COMMUNIST ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: OBSTACLES AND PROSPECTS (A GEORGIAN CASE-STUDY) J. The Caucasus& Globalization. Vol.7, Issue 3-4, pp. 72–81. CA&CC Press, Sweden, 2013.(C./A.:2).
- The Macroeconomic Model for Oil Exporter Countries. J. Central Asia and the Caucasus. CA&CC Press, Vol.16. Issue 4. Sweden, 2013, pp. 118–144 (C./A.: 1).
- Post-Soviet Economy: Aspects of the Georgian economy.
- Some of the external aspects of the Georgian economy in modern times. MOLDAVIAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. No. 4 (30), 2013- pp. 143–149.
- Georgia’s Social Economic Development Program] (2011). 242 P. (Co-author: A.Tvalchrelidze, G.Keshelashvili, D. Gegia ([1]).
- Aspects of economic doctrines in Georgia (2010). Peninsula University of Technology, Business and Informatics. California (USA), 36 p([2]).
- Modern state finances of Georgia (2010). International Academy of Sciences, Education, Industry and Arts. California(USA), 36 p. (Co-author: T.Atanelishvili) ([3]).
- Некоторые вопросы экономических доктрин в Грузии (2010). Москва, «Взфэи», 51с.
- Avtandil Silagadse. Challenges of the Post-Communist Financial-Currency Policy] (2009). Nova publisher. New-York, USA, 78 p. (Co-author: M. Tokmazishvili) ([4]).
- Gegenwärtige Finanz-und Monetäre Aspekte in Georgien (2009). Universität Potsdam (Deutschland). No. G-10, 26 s. (Co- author: S.Gelashvili). ([5])
- Georgia’s Social&Economic Development Program] (2011). “Nekeri”, Tbilisi, 312 p. (Co-author: A.Tvalchrelidze, G.Keshelashvili, D. Gegia). (Georgian Language) ([6]).
- Economic Doctrines (2010). Georgian National Academy of Sciences, "Innovation", Tbilisi. Approx. 611 p. (Georgian Language).
- Physiocratic Economic Doctrines (2009). "Innovation", Tbilisi, 40 p. (Georgian Language).
- Post communist Financial Policy (2008). "Innovation", Tbilisi, 111 p. (Co-author: M. Tokmazishvili).
- Origin of Liberal Economic Doctrines (2008). "Innovation", Tbilisi, 95 p. (Georgian Language).
- Economic Doctrine of Adam Smith (2008). "Innovation", Tbilisi, 51 p. (Georgian Language).
- Economic Doctrine of the Middle Ages. Publication of Tbilisi University, Tbilisi, 2007, 40 p. (Georgian Language).
- Mercantilist Economic doctrine (2007). "Innovation", Tbilisi, 66 p. (Co-author: T.Atanelishvili). (Georgian Language).
- Microeconomics (2006). Guidelines, Publication of Tbilisi University, Tbilisi, 387 p. (Co-authors: J. Kakhniasvili, E.Meqvabishvili). (Georgian Language).
- Sources of Economic Doctrines (2006). Publication of Tbilisi University, Tbilisi, 65 p. (Georgian Language).
- Science Perpetuum - Mobile (“Nobel Prize in Economics“, 2005). "Innovation", Tbilisi, 376 p. (Co-authors: T. Chiabrishvili, M. Chiabrishvili). (Georgian Language).
- Economics (2005). Text-book for the X-th form students, Tbilisiб 140 p. (Co-authors: J. Kakhniasvili, E.Meqvabishvili). (Georgian Language).
- Glossary of Accounting (2005). "News", Tbilisi, 462 p. (Co-authors: Ch. Adeishvili, F.Burduli, E. Kupreishvili, O.Chaduneli, I. Chiladze, A. Kharabadze, A. Khorava). (Georgian Language).
- Economics (2005). Text-book for the XI-th form students, Tbilisi. (Co-authors: (Co-authors: J. Kakhniasvili, E.Meqvabishvili,). (Georgian Language).
- Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics (2005). Publication of Tbilisi University, Tbilisi, 822 p. (Co-authors: G.Goshadze, T.Demetrashvili, V.Zurabishvili, T.Atanelishvili). (Georgian Language).
- Economist Scholars – Doctors of Economic Sciences in Georgia (2004)."News", Tbilisi, 122 p. (Co-author: T.Atanelishvili). (Georgian Language).
- Economics (2004). Text-book for the X-th form students, Tbilisi. (Co-authors: J. Kakhniasvili, E.Meqvabishvili). (Georgian Language).
- Экономика (2004). Учебник для X класса. Тбилиси, 141 с. (Co-authors: J. Kakhniasvili, E.Meqvabishvili).
- Economics (2003). Text-book for the X-th form students, Tbilisi, (Co-authors: J. Kakhniasvili, E.Meqvabishvili).(Georgian Language).
- Economics (2002). Methodological guide for teachers. Tbilisi, "Dia", 192 p. (Co-authors: J. Kakhniasvili, E.Meqvabishvili). (Georgian Language).
- Economics (2002). Text-books for the X-th and XI-th forms. Tbilisi "Dia", 184 p. (Co-authors: T.Beridze, : J. Kakhniasvili, Sh.Kistauri, P.Lemonjava, L.Chiqava, … ). (Georgian Language).
- Economics (2001). Text-books for the X-th and XI-th. Tbilisi "Dia". 167 p. (Co-authors: T.Beridze, : J. Kakhniasvili, Sh.Kistauri, P.Lemonjava, L.Chiqava, … ). (Georgian Language).
- Macroeconomic Adjustment Methods and Models (2003). "Science", Tbilisi. 739 p. (Co-authors: I.AnaniaSvili, K.Achelashvili, I.Meskhia, V.Papava, G.Cereteli). (Georgian Language).
- Post-socialist Transformation: The Economy of the XXI-st century (2001). "Aradani", Tbilisi. 544 p. (Co-authors: T.Basilia, T.Chikvaidze). (Georgian Language).
- History of Economic Thought (2001). Publication of Tbilisi University, Tbilisi, 610 p. (Georgian Language).
- Economic Dictionary (2001). Publication of Tbilisi University, Tbilisi, 675 p. (Co-authors: G.Goshadze, T.Demetrashvili, V.Zurabishvili). (Georgian Language).
- Georgia - Investment handbook (1998). Tbilisi, 70 P. (Co-author: E.Jugeli).
- Some Aspects of the History of Economic Thought (1996). Tb., 163 p. (Georgian Language).
- Personal and Family Names in Georgia (1996). 368 p. Tbilisi (Co-author: A.Totadze). (Georgian Language ). ([7])
- Sources of Economic knowledge (1992). Publication of Tbilisi University, Tbilisi, 150 p. (Co-authors: M.Enuqashvili, E.Meqvabishvili). (Georgian Language).
- Economic Concepts of the Slave-holding Society (1991). Publication of Tbilisi University, Tbilisi, 53 p.(Georgian Language).
- Некоторые вопросы экономической цикличности при капитализме (1991). Тбилиси, Изд-во Тбилисского Ун-та, 59 с.
- Национальная экономическая доктрина Нико Николадзе и современность - «Актуальные проблемы историко-экономических учений“. Москва, «ВЗФЭИ», 2012.
- Некоторые вопросы аграрной реформы в Грузии в начале XX века -„Опит экономического и социального обновления Росии в свете реформ П. А. Столипина. Москва: ФИНАНСОВЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ, ЗФЭИ, 2012, сс. 72-76.
- PROBLEMS OF EUROPEAN COMMODITY SECURITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CENTRAL ASIA-CAUCASUS REGION (2011). J. Central Asia and the Caucasus. Vol. 12, Issue 4, pp. 110-127. CA&CC Press, Sweden. (Co-author: A.Tvalchrelidze) ([8]).
- GEORGIA'S FRESH MINERAL WATER FOR EUROPE (2011). J. The Caucasus& Globalization. Vol. 5, Issue 3-4, pp. 43-54. CA&CC Press, Sweden. (Co-author: A.Tvalchrelidze) ([9]).
- Экономическое учение Ильи Чавчавадзе и современность (2011) - «Актуальные проблемы историко-экономических учений“. Москва, «ВЗФЭИ», сс. 71 -77.
- Current financial and monetary trends in Georgia (2010). The Caucasus& Globalization. Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 51–64. CA&CC Press, Sweden ([10]).
- Economic Thought in federal Georgia (2010). The Caucasus& Globalization. Volume 4, Issue 3- 4, pp. 57–66. CA&CC Press, Sweden. ([11])
- Аспекты экономических доктрин в феодальной Грузии (2009) – Историко-экономическая наука в прошлом и настоящем. Москва, «ВЗФЭИ», сс. 221-231.
- Modern situation of state budget in Georgia (2009). Caucasian Economic Triangle, №3 (Co-authors: S.Gelashvili, E.Khokrishvili). ([12])
- The Central Caucasian countries: Trends in foreign Trade Relations (2008).The Caucasus& Globalization. Volume 2, Issue 4 . CA&CC Press, Sweden. (Co-author: M.Tokmazishvili). ([13])
- Die Entviklung der Finanzpolitik in Georgien (2008) – Nachhatige Finanz-und Sozialpolitik in Georgien. Universität Potsdam. SS. 69-78 (Co-author: S. Gelashvili). ([14])
- Der Privatisierungsprozeß in der Republik Georgien (1997)–Berliner Europa Forum, Ausgabe 6, ss.64-67.
- Note on Pravatization in Georgia //The International Politics of EurAsia. Volume 8. Economic Transition in Russia and the New States of EurAsia. Editor: Bartolomiej Kaminski- University of Maryland (USA) - M.E.Sharpe. Armonk, New York, London, England. Printed in USA. 1996. - pp. 354–356. ( Co-author: T. Beridze). ([15])
- Социально-экономические аспекти приватизации (1998). Журн. «Общество и Экономика», №2, Москва, сс. 43-52.
- Концепция "социального государства" в работах эападногерманских неоконсерваторов и либералов (1991) -Эволюция теории и практики «государства благосостояния» в 80-е годы. М., ИНИОН, сс.141-160.
- Роль модернизации производства и новых технологии в развитии промышленности ФРГ (1989) – Структурные сдвиги в экономике РКС. Москва, «ИНИОН».
- Экономическаия цикличность в условиях ФРГ (1989) – Журн. Мировая экономика и международные отношения( „МЕ и МО“), №7, Москва.
- Домашнее хозяйство в Грузии на современном этапе(2013) - «Домашнее хозяйство в прошлом и настоящем“. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции 18 декабря 2012 г. / Под ред. д-ра экон. наук, профессора Я.С. Ядгарова. – М.: Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации.
- Potential possibilities of inclusion of resources in business-processes (2013) - "International Symposium on Regional Cooperation and Development" which was arranged by Atatürk University Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences between 17–20 October, in Erzurum/Turkey.
- Capitalization of Mineral Commodities (2012) - World and Georgian. Georgian National Academy of Sciences "Bulletin", vol.6, № 2, pp. 170–173 (Co-Author: A. Tvalchrelidze ([16]).
- Simplification of business registration and reality in Georgia(2012) - "National Economy and Globalization”. TSU Paata Gugushvili Economic Institute. Vol. 2, Tbilisi, pp. 154–155. (Georgian Language) ([17]).
- Priority to the Use of Resources (2012)- journal. "Science and Life". 1 (5), Tbilisi, pp. 17–23 ([18])
- Приоритеты экономики посткоммунистической Грузии на фоне мирового финансового кризиса (2012) - Журн. «Социальная Экономика», №4/07-08. Тбилиси, сс. 60-68.
- William Petty - "Columbus of Poly-economy” (2012) - Journal – “The Economy”. № 9-10, p. 129-133 (Co-Authors: K.Gurckaia, Z.Vashakidze, R. Shengelia).(Georgian Language).
- Economic perspectives in Post-soviet Georgia (2011) – “Actual economic problems under Globalization”. Paata Gugushvili Institute. Tbilisi, pp. 89–91 ([19])
- Priority to the Use of National Resources (2011) - Collection of Materials of the scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of birth of Academician Agladze. Tbilisi, (in Georgian and English) ([20])
- Development of Agriculture of Georgia (2011) - The World Economic Crisis and Georgia", journal. "Social Economy", № 1, pp. 69–71.
- The Economic Development Prospects of Georgia (2011) - "Economy and business - processes." Tbilisi, pp. .19-22 (Georgian Language).
- The Potential of the Agrarian Sector of Georgia (2011) – Priorities of the Sustainable Development of Agriculture. Tbilisi, TSU, pp. 418–419 (Co-Author: T.Atanelishvili).
- Some Aspects of Public Finance (2010) - "Current Issues in Economics at Modern Stage." Paata Gugushvili Economic Institute. Tbilisi, pp. 148–150 (Georgian Language) ([21]).
- Contextual Economic Terms (2010) - Journal - Economy and Business, № 6, Tbilisi, TSU, pp. 51–58 (Georgian Language) ([22]).
- Alexandre Amilakhvari (1750-1820) Mercantilist Economic Ideas (2010) – “Materials of the Second International Scientific Conference”. Sukhishvili University, Gori. (Georgian Language).
- Prospective for the Economic Development of Georgia (2011)- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Abkhazia, I. Tbilisi, pp. 275–280. (Georgian Language).
- Neo-liberal – Ordo-liberal economic Doctrines (2009). "Works". Volume VII. Academy of Economic Studies of Georgia. Tbilisi, Publishing "Siaxle", pp. 107–126 (Georgian Language).
- Aspects of the development of the banking system in Georgia (2008). "Works". Vol. VI. Academy of Economic Studies of Georgia. Tbilisi, Publisher "Siaxle", pp. 143–156 (Co-author. Tokmazishvili). (Georgian Language).
- "Austrian school" of Marginal benefits - "Market Economy Development Problems in Georgia" Academy of Sciences of Georgia, P. Gugushvili Economic Institute: Collection of scientific works, Vol. 3. Tbilisi, "Science", 2003, pp. 55–64 (Georgian Language).
- "Neoclassical Synthesis": First steps (2002)- Journal:"Social Economy", № 1, pp. 30–35. Tbilisi. (Georgian Language).
- From Neoclassicism to Keunes: A. Pigou (2002). TSU's works, Series of "Economy", № 1-2, pp. 14–19. Tbilisi. (Georgian Language).
- The First Nobel Prize Laureates in Economics: D. Frish and I. Tinbergen (2002) – Journ. "Micro and Macroeconomics", № 5-6, Tbilisi. (Georgian Language).
- Sustainability of Pension Systems: International Trends and Reality of Georgia (2002). TSU's works, series of "Economy", № 1-2, pp. 28–39. Tbilisi. (Georgian Language).
- Population of Samtskhe - Javakheti Region (2002) - "Javakheti". Akhaltsikhe branch of Tbilisi State University. Akhaltsikhe, "Science", pp. 33–40. (Co-author: A Totadze). (Georgian Language).
- General Equilibrium Theory: I.R. Hics (2001) - Journal: "Social Economy", № 6, pp. 160–167. Tbilisi. (Georgian Language).
- The improvement Issues of the tax system (2001) - "The Improvement Problems of the tax environment." Tbilisi. (Co-author:G.Gogoladze).(Georgian Language).
- The Economic Theory by J.B. Say and J.S. Mill (2001). TSU Works (XV). Tbilisi, pp. 23–31(Co-author: P.Lemonjava). (Georgian Language).
- The Essence of the Malthus Concept of the Population Policy (2001). The Collection of works of the Demographic and Sociological Research Institute at the Academy of Sciences of Georgia, I, pp. 32–38. Tbilisi. (Co-author: O.Sagareishvili). (Georgian Language).
- History of Socio - Economic Thought (D. Ricardo) (2001) – journal: "Social Economy", № 1, Tbilisi.
- The number and structure of the Population of Georgia (2001) – journal: "The Economy", № 1-2, pp. 122–131. Tbilisi (Co-author: L.Chiqava). (Georgian Language).
- German New Historical School: G. Schmoller Economic Ideas (2001) – The collection of works of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Georgia, № 2, Tbilisi, “Siachle”, pp. 283–297 (Georgian Language).
- The Development of Industrial Capitalism (2001) - The Basis for the Formation of Classical Economic Thought – The Collection of Works of Tbilisi State University, XV. Tbilisi, pp. 3–22(Georgian Language).
- I. Schumpeter Economic Views and Modernity (2000) - The Works of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Georgia, № 1, pp. 306–320. Tbilisi,”Siachle” (Georgian Language).
- International Financial Institutions and the Transformation Issues of State Property (2000) - "Meskheti: History and Modernity". Akhaltsikhe branch of Tbilisi State University. Akhaltsikhe, pp. 271–274. (Georgian Language).
- F. List - German Economist and Publicist (2000) - Journal: "The Economy", № 1, Tbilisi. (Georgian Language).
- Privatization Problems in Georgia (2000) – Collection of Works of Gori State University, Vol. 3, pp. 12–15. Gori. (Georgian Language).
- Zh.B. Colbert - Representative of the French Mercantilism (2000)– The Collection of Works of Tbilisi State University, X. Tbilisi (Georgian Language).
- The Reform Issues of the State and Municipal Energy Companies (2000) - journal: "The Economy", № 3-4, (C./A.: 1). Tbilisi (Georgian Language).
- F. List Economic Theory (2000) – The Collection of Works of Tbilisi State University, "The Economy". XII. Tbilisi (Georgian Language).
- The history of the Social Problem Research (1999) – journal: "Social Economy", № 1, pp. 108–116. Tbilisi (Georgian Language).
- Walter Oiken Economic Theory (1999) - Journal: "Economy", № 4-5, pp. 76 –81. Tbilisi (Georgian Language).
- Some Issues of Restructuring and Privatization of the Banking System (1997) – journal: "The Economy", № 8-10, (co-author -1). Tbilisi (Georgian Language).
- Some Issues of the State-owned Property Privatization in Georgia (1997)- "Socio - economic Transformations Strategy and Tactics" (Materials of the International Scientific Symposium). November 13–14. The Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Fridrix Ebert Stiftung). Tbilisi, "Diogenes", pp. 31–36 (Georgian Language).
- The Economic Independence of the Country and the Problems of Transition to a Market Economy (1991) - Journ. "The Economy", № 6. Tbilisi (Georgian Language).
- "Science of Youth" - an interesting and useful work (1990) – Journ.: "The Economist". № 5 (Georgian Language).
- Significance of the Textbook on the History of the Capitalist Countries (1983) – Journ.: "The Economist", № 8 (Georgian Language).