Antonio De Diego
Antonio de Diego Alvarez, is a Spanish paracanoeist and member of the National Spanish Canoeist Team, Paracanoe class A (maximum level of disability). He has won several medals: gold medal at the Europe Paracanoe Championship Trasona 2010(K-1 200 m), silver medal at the world championship Paracanoe Poznan 2010 (K-1 200 m), bronze medal World Paracone Szeged 2011 (K-1 200 m) and silver medal at the Europe Paracanoe Championship Zagreb 2012. He also practices other sports such as diving, yachting and handcycling.
On July 2, 2004 he suffered a vascular accident requiring a double femoral amputation and causing major paralysis in his right arm. Currently he is training for the 2016 Summer Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.