Saint Ambrose. Seven Exegetical Works...Isaac, or the Soul. Death As a Good, Jacob and the Happy Life, Joseph, the Patriarchs, Flight from the World, the Prayer of Job and Davi (Fathers of the Church)
Qua continentur libri De Iacob, De Ioseph, De patriarchis, De fuga seculi, De interpellatione Iob et David, De apologia David, Apologia David altera, De Helia et ieiunio, De Nabuthae, De Tobia
Sancti Ambrosii, Mediolanensis Episcopi opera omnia : editio prae aliis omnibus completa, quarum instar haberi potest / ad manuscriptos codices Vaticanos, Gallicos, Belgicos, etc., necnon ad veteres editiones, maxime vero ad Benedictinam recensita et emendata ; notis lectionibusque variantibus, textui subjacentibus, continenter illustrata ; variis insuper opusculis quae vel omisere vel ne memoravere quidem eruditi Benedictini, locupletata