Alfred Mechtersheimer is a former Bundestag member and Neue Rechte politician and author. A former German Air Force colonel and a spokesperson for the far-right Deutschland-Bewegung, Mechtersheimer is known for his protest against Germany's participation in NATO.
Mechtersheimer was also a leading figure in the peace movement in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and among the founders of the ecopax movement. Consequently, Mechtersheimer's political career has seen him move from Bavarian CSU to the Greens in the 1980s. Later he distanced himself from the Greens as well, for their purported lack of patriotism. Afterward Mechtersheimer has organized various movements known for their "stridently nationalist brand of national pacifism". His politics since the 1990s have been self-described as "Nationalpazifismus" (roughly: national-pacifist).