Alena Vostrá (May 17, 1938, Prague – April 15, 1992, Prague) was a Czech novelist. One of her most popular works was A Matter of Days.
She was born as Rozená Obdržálková in Prague and in 1956, after graduating from the high school, studied engineering at Czech Technical University in Prague for two semesters, then stopped and started her studies at the Faculty of Theatre. In 1960, she was expelled for "individualism", but she was eventually allowed to continue with her studies. In 1962 she started to specialize in dramaturgy. In 1963, she married the author Jaroslav Vostrý. Vostrá started to publish in 1963. She graduated in 1966.
Alena Vostrá wrote mainly theater pieces and screenplays, as well as fiction and fairy tales for children. In the theater pieces, her characters often encounter grotesque reality of life. In prose, she often underlines connections between seemingly unimportant things.